The Ascension Path
learn about Telos- 5th Dimensional city below Mount Shasta
The Ascended Masters, Ancient Lemuria and more.....

Mount Shasta is a most majestic mountain, part of the Cascade Mountain Range, located in Siskiyou County in Northern California about 45 miles from the Oregon border. Mount Shasta is the cone of an extinct volcano rising to a height of over 14,162 feet above sea level, and is one of the largest volcanic peaks in the continental United States.
Mt. Shasta is a very special place to say the least; it represents much more than just a mere mountain. Mt. Shasta can be considered as one of the most sacred places on this planet. The mountain is a mystic power source for this planet. It is a focus for angels, spirit-guides, spaceships, masters from the Light Realm, and the home of the survivors of Ancient Lemuria, which sank under the waves of the Pacific Ocean a little over 12,000 years ago.
For those gifted with clairvoyant abilities, Mt. Shasta is embraced in a gigantic, etheric purple pyramid whose capstone reaches far beyond this planet into space, and connects us intergalactically to the Confederation of Planets for this sector of the Milky Way Galaxy. This awesome pyramid is also created as an inverted version of itself, reaching far down to the very core of the Earth. You can call Mt. Shasta the entry point of the Light-Grids of this planet, where most of the energy comes first from the galactic and universal core before it is disseminated to other mountains and into the grids. Most mountaintops, especially tall mountains, are Beacons of Light, feeding the light-grids of this planet.Strange lights and sounds are often seen or heard on the mountain.
Lenticular clouds, shadows and outstanding sunsets add to the mystical aura of the mountain. Several tunnels stretch far into the interior of this majestic mountain. Mt. Shasta is also the home of the present-day Lemurians, survivors of the sinking of the continent of Mu over 12,000 years ago. Yes, our Lemurian brothers and sisters are real; they are well and physically alive, living in the subterranean city of "Telos" beneath Mount Shasta.
Prior to the sinking of their continent, fully aware of the eventual destiny of their beloved continent, the ancient Lemurians, using their mastery of energy, crystals, sound and vibrations, hollowed out a vast underground city, with the intention of preserving their culture, their treasures, and their records of ancient Earth's history; history that has been lost since the sinking of Atlantis. Lemuria was once a vast continent, and larger than North America, connected to parts of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington.
This large continent disappeared overnight into the Pacific Ocean over 12,000 years ago in a vast cataclysm. All inhabitants of the Earth at that time considered Lemuria, the land of Mu, their motherland, and there was much weeping on the Earth when that happened. About 25,000 Lemurians at that time were able to migrate into the interior of Mt. Shasta, the most important of their various administration centers, prior to the sinking of their Motherland. And beloveds, you who are reading this writing, know in your heart, that they have never left.
They are still here in tangible, physical, immortal bodies, totally unlimited, living a life of pure Heaven on Earth. American Indians believed that Mt. Shasta was of such immense grandeur, that its existence could only be attributed to the creation of a very "Great Spirit". They also believed that an invisible race of little people, about four feet tall, lived along its slopes as Guardians. These wondrous little people, often referred to as "The Little People of Mt. Shasta", are also kind of physical, but not quite, and they are very often seen visually around the mountain. They are third dimensional beings like humans, but they live on a slightly higher level of the third dimension, such as third and one half level, and they have the ability to make themselves visible and invisible at will.
The reason they are not showing themselves physically to many people is because they have a collective fear of humans. At one time, when they were as physical as we are, and could not make themselves invisible at will, humans living at that time viciously maligned them. They became so fearful of humans, that they collectively asked the spiritual hierarchy of this planet for the dispensation to be elevated in their frequency, so that they could make themselves invisible at will, in order to be able to continue their evolution unharmed and in peace. There are also reports of the Bigfoot race of people being seen on some remote areas of Mt. Shasta, along with many other mysterious beings.
The Bigfoot people are now very few in numbers around the world and around Mt. Shasta. They are of average intelligence and possess a peaceful heart. They have also obtained the dispensation to be able to make themselves invisible at will to be able to avoid confrontation with us and thus, like the little people, avoid being harmed, mutilated and used as a slave race.Things have not changed so much on Earth in our days. We have not yet, as a species, understood that we are guests here on this planet. We are the guests of our gracious Mother Earth who has volunteered to provide a platform of evolution for the many kingdoms she has chosen to allow to be evolving here. Humans are only one of those kingdoms.
It was always intended and agreed at the beginning that all kingdoms would be honored, and be allowed to share this planet "equally". And it was that way for a very long time at the beginning. But for hundreds of thousands of years, humans have taken over, arrogantly thinking that they are the superior race, and that they have the right to control and manipulate other kingdoms that appear to be more vulnerable than they. Many of the species of the animal kingdom have also become invisible. They are still here, but in a slightly higher frequency and thus, invisible to us. Where do you think that all those supposedly "extinct" species have gone? Many of them are extinct because they have made a collective choice to not interact with us any more. Those species of the animal kingdom, which are still here physically with us, are not always loved and honored by humans. Go into your heart and explore how most of the animals are treated, used and abused by the supposedly "superior race".
Are all animals treated, honored and loved as beings of other kingdoms meant to share this planet with us "equally"? Think how so many whales, dolphins, cows, chickens, cats, dogs, horses, etc. etc. etc. have been and still are used. The list is endless, and could be the subject of several encyclopedias. (I know that this last paragraph will raise many eyebrows, but it needs to be said. Let's now continue with Mt. Shasta).Today, several spiritual groups surround the Mt. Shasta area. Many truth seekers who have felt and heard in their heart the "Call of the Mountain" have moved into this area where they feel they have finally "come home". The dim memory of their far distant Lemurian ancestry is calling them back to a former point of origin.On a clear day, Mount Shasta stands as a white jewel and can be seen from at least 100 miles away. People who live nearby have remarkable stories about the 14,162-foot Cascade volcano.
Your Ascension Path
We offer monthly Ascension Ceremonies, and study groups about Telos and the Seven Sacred Flames at the Diamond Springs Spiritual Center.
If you are guided to learn more ----
contact Diane at 209-337-8172
or check out our monthly schedule. We also sell many books and information on Telos, the magical city
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Integrative Lifestyles that help promote spiritual, emotional, and physical health to help heal the world one community at a time
Asara Adams- Galactic counsel of light
Lorie Ladd - Telos and Star Family Channel
Local Links
A complete resource for information about the Heart of Lemuria.
Authentic Vogel Crytals and many other powerful tools for healing and transformation.
Mount Shasta Trinity Center
Dedicated to bringing you the finest in Spiritual Healing and Energy Healing using highly refined therapeutic forms of bodywork and advanced tools such as the Trinity Table.
Shasta Connect Local Marketplace and Life Links. Good source of local information for spiritual resources and business services too.
New age and spiritual tools available to everyone.
Seven rooms of crystal and singing bowls.
Local Authors
Aurelia Louise Jones
Telos Books
Josiane Antonette -
Susan Lewella Dillon -
Nell Arnaud -
Yoj Chase - streetwise[at]
Mikaelah Cordeo -
Ana Holub -
Dorthea Joyce -
Peter Mt.Shasta
Andrew Oser -
Cheryl Rose -
Dianne Robbins -