Diane Broussard
Spiritual Teacher and Healer
Quantum Educator
Stargate Facilitator
Shamanic Practitioner
Ordained Minister
Diane owns and operates the Diamond Springs Center of Healing Arts and Training in Diamond Springs, Califonia, USA. She is a spiritual teacher and healer and has been following her spiritual path for over 30 years. Inspired by the famous Shirley MacLaine book, "Out on a Limb", she has been out there ever since.

Diane has studied many different modalities to find her sacred path, including the University of Metaphysics in Association with the University of Sedona. A graduate of the Lynn Andrew’s 4-year Shamanic Mystery School and an ordained minister, she is also a Reiki Master and Certified in Angel Therapy and Angel Card Reading. On completion of an apprenticeship with Don Oscar Mira Quesada in the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition, (Peruvian Shamanism) Diane is a full mesa carrier.
Diane also has completed several advanced classes in Core Shamanism and she founded the Placerville Drumming Circle and leads drumming sessions at her Diamond Center. These include guided journeys helping others find their guides, power animals and learn to take their own power and sacred fire ceremonies are included – and soon a labyrinth.
Diane believes that the Stargate explorations into the expansive quantum field are the leading edge to all dimensions and to eventually experiencing our New Earth. In the middle of her Center is a 6-foot copper Stargate. Diane is a certified Stargate Facilitator and offers Stargate Meditations at her Center. Twice a month she conducts “The Stargate Experience”. Diane has been actively working with the worldwide Stargate group for over 10 years. This group now expands to over sixty countries. Diane combines her Shamanic roots and her Stargate experience to create Heaven on Earth, so to speak. The Earth grounds us and our physical bodies as we ascend with The Stargate to higher dimensions being able to experience our Angelic and Star Family Guides.
What is The Stargate? The Stargate is a highly evolved consciousness which comes from beyond the veil. It can anchor into a sacred geometrical structure; in fact, it can anchor into an infinite number of them. This structure, your Stargate is an accelerator of human consciousness if you choose to allow its energy and its support.
Your Stargates were given to humanity when it was realized that you would reach the potential that actually occurred in your 2012. What was that? It was the elevating of human consciousness to a certain level, a level where more of you desired to live in love and peace, equality, and respect for others. This vibration on your Earth enabled us to bring the Stargate to support the rapid evolution of humankind. The consciousness is anchored by the very sacred geometrical forms held within your physical structure. These physical structures connect around your world energetically, we call it a Stargate Grid. Whenever anyone is working with their Stargate, bringing in beautiful energies from the beyond, those energies are radiated by every single Stargate in that Stargate Grid System, benefiting all. So, your physical Stargates are gently radiating energy at all times.
Diane is closely tied with Mount Shasta, the 5th-Dimensional city of Telos that resides below the mountain and the Telosians who reside within the city. Our Lemurian ancestors were able to create this city when they heard of the eventual sinking of their continent “Lemuria” The Masters of Lemuria were able to bring their healing Temples, beautiful art and history to preserve in the inner Earth. They have held a loving vibration and are waiting for humanity to reach a place where we can all join again in peace and joy. Diane teaches classes about Telos and the Masters of Lemuria at her Center. She incorporates The Stargate, the Drums, the Crystal Bowls and Light language from those who have messages to give. Her Center is a safe haven for likeminded people and freedom to express their soul being.
The energy of The Diamond Center radiates the Stargate energy and people coming for private sessions or group sessions can feel the energy as they enter the room. Diane believes she has created “Little Lemuria” in her beautiful Center.
Diane’s adventures also include conducting Ascension Ceremonies at her healing center in Diamond Springs. After receiving many calls to visit Mt. Shasta in Northern Calif., Diane learned of the lost Lemurian civilization that has settled in the 5th dimensional city of Telos, below Mt Shasta. Through the Stargate experience and Ascension ceremonies she has attended, she feels guided to offer these teachings and this powerful ceremony to those who might be interested in their own search.
Diane is founder of the Placerville Drumming Circle. This is a group of like-minded people who meet monthly to drum, dance, journey and support each other. Her center is out in nature so working with the nature spirits and drumming around an open fire are part of the ceremonies. The group is open to the public, so ask her about events upcoming
Diane is a Spiritual teacher and healer and enjoys private counseling sessions with those seeking answers to personal questions. Diane uses various methods to help her clients based on what she feels is best for them. She is also an energy healer and often includes healing therapy for her clients if necessary, or she may suggest a separate session for healing alone. Diane uses her Crystal Light bed, along with her Reiki and crystal energy modalities. She believes in healing the mind, body, emotional and spiritual self. It is very simple – all you need is LOVE.
Diane is always available to talk with you about your individual needs.